
Our story

After both of my grandparents survived cancer, my family learned how harmful many of our everyday products can be. It made me take a second look at the things I consumed and used on a regular basis. I was horrified, but I knew it didn’t have to be this way. This motivated me to start making my own products at a young age. The natural Theory logo is a combination of the handwriting my grandfather and grandmother, rest in Heaven, for being my insipiration and giving me my ancestral gift.

If we look hard enough in nature, there is a safer substitute for all of our toxic products. Combing the simplicity of nature and the science behind it, we have everything we need. We’ve done the research. Enjoy the results!


Our Mission

Our philosophy is that God gave us everything we need. There is a natural solution to all of our needs, we just have to find it. We believe in the clean and simple way of doing things. Not too many ingredients, and no mess. We strive to deliver products that you can trust are made with you in mind. 


Our promise

We promise to look in nature for the safest, simplest solution and deliver the best products she has to offer.